Hi guys! Sorry I was unable to post yesterday because A. my something new wasn't blog worthy. B. I honestly feel asleep before posting and C. I had a major insight only 5 days into this project that's gonna change it up.
Explanation of excuses:
A. My something new my Live Today #5: was painting my nails (It really was my first time- I have never painted them before!) and taking a powdered milk bath. Which is sooooo worth trying! It makes your skin silky smooth! Just run a bath and add some powdered milk to the water and Volia! An world class pampering bath! These two things were new to me but they aren't super exciting or blog worthy- I know. This triggered my insight.
B. no explanation needed. zzzzzzzzzzzz
C. Insight #1: This shouldn't be planed. Life is not a planned event. The purpose of this was to branch out but it will never happen if I try to make an agenda of it! I need to be spontaneous by going with the flow! I try way more than the one new thing a day that I've been posting about. And honestly the new things I try wouldn't be super exciting to y'all but for me they make up my life and are the little happy things to enjoy and be grateful for. I could list over 50 little things that were new (in ways) to me that I did today, but that would be no fun to read. So hears the main point: I'll post when I can (still try to post often though) and about different lifestyle things. Maybe they will be things I'd like to do or things I have just recently done but, either way I shouldn't be planing a new thing a day, I should let it happen. Watch out though- this blog is still increasing its amazing-ness! Stick around!
Thanks for reading!
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