"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"

Monday, May 7, 2012

Crazy for Cupcakes!

Live Today #4:

Cupcakes. Who doesn't love cupcakes? Well I think cupcakes are pretty stupendous and I've never made any before (absurd I know!) I thought, "Well what a scrumptious idea for my new thing?" And with that I was on my way. I found a really great red velvet recipe on a equally great website. It's Ming Makes Cupcakes
Simple ingredients!
(mingmakescupcakes.yolasite.com) and its simply a list of yummy (and super easy) recipes. If your looking for the red velvet one it's cupcake #4. Perfect for my 4th Live today event!  Any how they turned out to be the best cupcakes I have ever had! The recipe was simple and easy to follow. They pretty much went like so: mix the stuff, cook, eat the morsels of heaven. ;) Take half and hour from your day, turn on some tunes and try them! You won't regret it!

That's it for now! Thanks for reading!


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